Time zone Amsterdam cityWhat timezone is Amsterdam city

The Timezone of Amsterdam is called Central European time; this means it is +1 UTC (Coordinated Universal Time) during winter and +2 UTC during summer. The Netherlands upholds a summer and wintertime, where time is set to have the most daylight. But there is a discussion going on to cancel the summer/wintertime. But we are not there yet.

Amsterdam time is the same in the whole of the Netherlands. So there is no difference in time in the East of the Netherlands or the West of the Netherlands.

Amsterdam uses a 24 Hour notation

In the Netherlands in written language, time is expressed in the 24-hour notation, with or without leading zero, using a full stop or colon as a separator, sometimes followed by the word uur (hour) or its abbreviationu. – for example, 22.51 uur, 9.12 u., or 09:12 So 2pm is written as 14:00 hours but spoken as 2 o’clock. So if your hotel has a digital clock you know what it will say.

In the Netherlands spoken language, most often time is expressed in the 12-hour clock. However, “a.m.” and “p.m.” are never used. Instead, an apposition is added, for instance 21:00 is said as “9 uur ‘s avonds” (9 o’clock in the evening). Half hours are relative to the next hour – for example, 5:30 is said as “half 6“. Quarter hours are expressed relative to the nearest whole hour

Amsterdam time is the same in the whole of the Netherlands. So there is no difference in time in the East of the Netherlands or the West of the Netherlands.

Dutch Airports

Because the Netherlands is very central located in Europe compared to other continents, there is a big chance you will be visiting the Netherlands as a stop over as well. But that doesn’t have to be Schiphol which is the biggest airport of the Netherlands and closest to Amsterdam.
The smaller airports are more and more used for transfers as well.